Why you should learn Java in 2020

Mahipal Nehra
6 min readFeb 11, 2020


Java is a universally useful, object-situated programming language that was planned by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1991. The gathering of the Java applications results in the bytecode that can be run on any stage utilizing the Java Virtual Machine.

Java has accomplished Platform by creating Java Virtual Machine, which disconnected the low-level Operating System from developers and gave the first “Compose Once, Run anyplace” programming language. Additionally, JVM offered age trash assortment, which deals with the Object life cycle. (Top Best Programming Languages for 2020)

Java has lost a portion of its business sectors to exceptionally developer-accommodating current languages and the ascent of different languages, particularly Python, JavaScript. Likewise, JVM isn’t exactly Cloud benevolent in light of its cumbersome size. Prophet has as of late presented powerful authorizing charges for JDK, which will mark Java’s fame further. (Top 10 Python Frameworks for Web Development for 2020)

Luckily, Java is dealing with its inadequacies and attempting to make Java fit for Cloud by means of the GraalVM activity. Additionally, in OpenJDK, there is a free option in contrast to the restrictive Oracle JDK.

Top 10 Reasons to learn Java programming language in 2020

Java is one of the most famous programming languages. Here are the top 10 reasons to learn Java in 2020

1. Java is Easy to Learn

Java is very simple to learn and can be comprehended in a limited capacity to focus time as it has a sentence structure like English e.g., Generics point sections, which makes it simple to peruse Java program and adapt rapidly.

When a software engineer knows about starting obstacles with installing JDK and setting up PATH and understand How Classpath works, it’s really simple to compose a program in Java.

2. Java has a rich Application Programming Interface

Java has a rich Application Programming Interface (API) that incorporates numerous Java classes, bundles, interfaces, and so on. This is helpful for developing applications without fundamentally knowing their inside executions.

Java has essentially three kinds of API for example (Top Best Tools For Java Developers In 2020)

Java gives API to I/O, organizing, utilities, XML parsing, database association, and nearly everything. Whatever left is secured by open source libraries like Apache Commons, Google Guava, Jackson, Gson, Apache POI, and others. Official Java center API’s, Optional authority Java API and Unofficial API’s. These API’s general are utilized for nearly everything including organizing, I/O, databases, media, XML parsing, discourse combination, and so forth.

3. Different Type Open Source Libraries

Open-source libraries have assets that can be replicated, contemplated, changed, shared, and so forth. There are systems like Spring, Struts, Maven, which guarantees that Java improvement follows best practices of programming craftsmanship, advances the utilization of configuration designs, and helped Java developers in arriving work done. (Top 10 Web Development Trends That will be in Demand in 2020)

I generally suggest looking for usefulness in Google before composing your own code. There is a decent possibility that it’s as of now coded, tried, and accessible for prepared to utilize. There are various open-source libraries in Java such as JHipster, Maven, Google Guava, Apache Commons, and so on that can be utilized to make Java advancement simpler, less expensive and quicker.

4. Java has Best Development Tools

There are many Integrated improvement conditions (IDE’s) in Java that gives different offices to programming advancement to developers. Incredible Java IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc. play a major job in the accomplishment of Java.

They help in code finish as well as gives a powerful debugging capacity, which is basic for certifiable improvement. Coordinated Development Environment (IDE) made Java advancement considerably more agreeable, quicker, and familiar. It’s anything but difficult to look, refactor, and read code utilizing IDEs. (Top Best Web Development IDE in 2020)

Aside from IDE, Java stage additionally has a few different devices like Maven and ANT for building Java applications, Jenkins for Continuous Integration and conveyance, decompilers, JConsole, Visual VM for observing Heap utilization, and so forth.

These IDE’s give numerous offices, for example, investigating, grammar featuring, code fulfillment, language support, robotized refactoring, and so forth that make coding in Java simpler and quicker.

Java has made a base for the Android working framework and picked around 90% fortune 500 companies to build up a ton of back-end applications. Additionally, it assumes an incredible job in Apache Hadoop information handling, Amazon Web Services, and Windows Azure, and so forth.

5. Java is Free of everyone (No Cost)

One reason Java is extremely well known among singular software engineers is that it is accessible under the Oracle Binary Code License (BCL) for nothing out of pocket. This implies Java is free for advancement and test situations, yet for business purposes, a little charge is required. (Top Java Frameworks for 2020)

This FREE thing additionally helped Java to get mainstream among singular software engineers, and among huge associations. On the off chance that you are curious where precisely Java is utilized in reality, see that post. I have discussed Java’s reception by all around the globe.

6. Popularity and High Salary for Developers

Java is one of the most mainstream languages on the planet. It is utilized by some 9 million developers and it runs on around 7 billion devices worldwide as indicated by Oracle online journals. In view of the popularity of Java, Java developers are likewise very looked for after and they hold the absolute most lucrative occupations in the business. The normal pay of a Java Developer lies between $47,169 to $106,610 every year. (Why you should Learn Python Programming Language in 2020)

7. Java has Independent Platform

Java is stage autonomous as the Java source code is changed over to byte code by the compiler which would then be able to be executed on any stage utilizing the Java Virtual Machine. Java is otherwise called a WORA (compose once, run anyplace) language since it is stage autonomous.

The thought of platform independence is extraordinary, and Java’s tagline “write once run anywhere,” and abbreviation “WORA” was alluring enough to draw in heaps of new improvement in Java. (Top 10 Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2020)

This is as yet one reason for Java being the best programming language, most Java applications are created in the Windows condition and run on the Linux platform.

Likewise, the advancement of most Java applications happens in a Windows situation while they are run on a UNIX stage as a result of the stage free nature of Java.

8. Biggest Community Support

There is an enormous online network of Java clients going from novice, progressed and even master levels that are especially useful on the off chance that any help is required.

Java has been exceptionally fortunate; it has bunches of dynamic gatherings, StackOverflow, open-source associations, and a few Java client gatherings to support everything. (Top 10 Front end Web Development Tools in 2020)

There is the network to support amateurs, progressed and even master Java software engineers. Java really advances taking and offering back to network propensity. Heaps of software engineers, who utilize open source, contribute as a committer, analyzer, and so on.

Many Expert software engineers give counsel FREE at different Java discussions and StackOverflow. This is just astounding and gives a great deal of certainty to a novice in Java.

A portion of the online networks for learning purposes are StackOverflow, Java Forums, and so on.

9. Extraordinary Documentation Support

The documentation support for Java is magnificent using Javadoc which is the documentation generator for Java. It utilizes the Java source code to create the API documentation in HTML design. In this way, Javadoc gives an extraordinary reference while coding in Java with the goal that understanding the code is very straightforward. (Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks 2020)

Not every person has time and aims to take a gander at the code to realize what a technique does or how to utilize a class. Javadoc made learning simple and give an astounding reference while coding in Java.

With the coming of IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJIDEA, you don’t have to glance Javadoc expressly in the program, however, you can get all the data in your IDE window itself. (Is JavaScript A Must have for Web Development?)

10. A Versatile Programming Language

Java is adaptable as it is utilized for programming applications on the web, portable, work area, and so forth utilizing various stages. Additionally, Java has numerous highlights, for example, dynamic coding, different security highlights, stage free qualities, arrange driven planning, and so forth that make it very adaptable.

This tremendous accessibility of Java programmers (Java Development Company) is another motivation behind why associations like to pick Java for new advancement than some other programming language. (Top 10 Frameworks for Web Application Development)



Mahipal Nehra

Working in a leading outsourcing Java development company